
Your support matters. Support The Brea Education Foundation by making a recurring or one-time donation.

Donate Online

It’s fast, easy, and secure to donate online via credit/debit card or ACH.

Donate by Mail

Checks, payable to Brea Education Foundation, may be mailed to: Brea Education Foundation, PO Box 11058, Brea CA 92822.

Other Ways of Support

  • If you’re interested in donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to the Foundation, email for additional information.

  • Each year the Foundation distributes tens of thousands of dollars to graduating seniors at Brea Olinda and Brea Canyon high schools. You can help ensure Brea’s graduates can attend a quality college or university by setting up or contributing
    to an existing scholarship fund.

  • OneCause & United Way: You may have a donation deducted from your paycheck if your employer participates in the United Way. Simply write “Brea Education Foundation” in the “Other” section of the enrollment form.